Babylon Snail / Tiger Nassarius Snails (Babylonia sp.)
Regular price £5.00
Tiger nassarius snail, Babylon snail (Babylonia sp.)
Family: Babyloniidae
Care level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef compatibility: Reef safe
Max size: 7 cm
Diet: Carnivore
Babylon snails are useful reef tank inhabitants that are super efficient at sensing and cleaning up left over food and decaying organic matter. Also known as Tiger nassarius snails which they are similar too in the way they airate and sift the sand bed, a beneficial action that helps keep the sand bed clean and turned over.
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Maintaining proper water parameters in any type of marine aquarium is essential for the health of your fish, corals and invertebrates. Check out our handy blog post on the parameters you need to manage for the common marine aquarium and reef tank set ups