Marco Rock Boulders (Live Rock Alternative) 5kg, 10kg & 20kg Bundles
Regular price £30.00Marco Rock is a premium reef style dry rock for aquascaping any wet display / aquatic environment.
Marco Rock is a natural rock harvested on land from ancient coral reefs that long ago were under water.
Being a dry reef substrate it is not only naturally ideal for marine reef aquariums but it is pest and organic free - no hitchikers making their way into your tank.
The collection of marco rock is considered to be more green and environmentally friendly as it is not collected from delicate living coral reefs.
The porous nature of this rock provides outstanding filtration and surface area for bacteria to colonise.
Fantastic displays can be created using Key Largo Marco rock boulders that you and your wet pets will love. Also available are flat-cut pieces of marco rock ideal for creating coral shelves, overhangs and caves.